(I thought I responded to this response of yours, but I see no indication that it went through. For the recoprd, tis response varies somewhat from my original.) My thoughts are apparently real at least to me. What I wrote may or may not be. I act on what seems real because that is the most comfortable way for me to go. As to your faith and that of others assuming you exist, like I said, your guess is as good as mine, and if your worldview makes you more secure and happy, more power to you. However, don't kid yourself. You are just guessing as are we all. And perhaps we are all correct. Perhaps we each shape the universe to match our faith and worldview. In your personal universe, Jesus has the role you ascribe to him. In my universe people are people, and there are no set answers. In Hitler's universe, he won the war, the Jews were indeed evil, and he was the hero he believed himself to be. In Ann Frank's universe, Hitler was killed in World War I, there was no World War II, and she led a long happy life.