Biden is not pushing a strictly Liberal agenda nor should he. He is more concerned with the process rather than policy. The GOP has turned our political system into a zero-sum game rather than the system of compromise and accommodation that lies at the heart of any functioning democracy. We need to return to a system where ideas can be presented by all in a reasonably honest and civil manner in a marketplace of ideas from which the citizenry as a whole can pick what they want. Nobody gets everything they want, but all voices are heard, and some type of inclusive compromise can usually be achieved. Once Biden is in and our political system is repaired, it would then be the job of the Progressives to sell their agenda to the people. It should be an easy sale because we have a generally better product. However, we should also listen to the arguments from the other side. We should not be so arrogant as to think we have all of the answers or that our point of view is without fault. That is the current attitude of Trump and the GOP and it leads to nothing but disaster. In sum, we need to at least partly repair the system before we can move forward in earnest.